Seasoned Nurse
Ended Feb 1, 2022
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Full course description
Frontline Nursing During COVID-19: A New Paradigm
Presented by University of South Florida College of Nursing
Virtual Format
On-Demand Webinars
Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN
The purpose of this continuing education program is to equip frontline nurses with new education and techniques to protect themselves against COVID-19 infection. This program is designed to provide nurses with the tools needed to empower them to advocate for their safety and well-being while providing nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Seasoned Nurse (More than 1 year of practice)
- Part 1: Understanding COVID-19: What it is and What it is NOT and Who is at Risk
- Part 2: Too Sick to Care: How to Stay Healthy and Well During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic
- Part 3: No, A Garbage Bag Won’t Do: How to Navigate Difficult Situations as a Result of COVID-19
- Part 4: Experience does not Equal Experience: The New COVID-19 Paradigm for the Seasoned Nurse
As a result of participating in this activity, the learner will be able to:
- Discuss the pathophysiology of COVID-19
- Identify COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies beyond handwashing, masks, and social distancing
- Describe how to provide patient and family education regarding appropriate PPE to be used for airborne illnesses
- Discuss how to be your own advocate during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Identify resources available to nurses to help with self-care and empowerment during the COVID-19 pandemic