
Seasoned Nurse

Ended Feb 1, 2022

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Full course description

Frontline Nursing During COVID-19: A New Paradigm

Presented by University of South Florida College of Nursing

Virtual Format

On-Demand Webinars


Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN


The purpose of this continuing education program is to equip frontline nurses with new education and techniques to protect themselves against COVID-19 infection. This program is designed to provide nurses with the tools needed to empower them to advocate for their safety and well-being while providing nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Seasoned Nurse (More than 1 year of practice)

  • Part 1: Understanding COVID-19: What it is and What it is NOT and Who is at Risk
  • Part 2: Too Sick to Care: How to Stay Healthy and Well During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic
  • Part 3: No, A Garbage Bag Won’t Do: How to Navigate Difficult Situations as a Result of COVID-19
  • Part 4: Experience does not Equal Experience: The New COVID-19 Paradigm for the Seasoned Nurse

Learning Objectives

As a result of participating in this activity, the learner will be able to:

  1. Discuss the pathophysiology of COVID-19
  2. Identify COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies beyond handwashing, masks, and social distancing
  3. Describe how to provide patient and family education regarding appropriate PPE to be used for airborne illnesses
  4. Discuss how to be your own advocate during the COVID-19 pandemic
  5. Identify resources available to nurses to help with self-care and empowerment during the COVID-19 pandemic